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Adding a New Location

Let’s review how to add a new location.

Reach Integrated Users

If you are using the Reach Integrated version of WebPT Local, you’ll need to add the new location to your Facilities list in Reach. This information will flow into WebPT Local. From there you can add and update the required fields as described below.

WebPT Local Standalone (Non-Reach Integrated Users)

If your account is not integrated with WebPT Reach, and you have a multiple clinic account, please use the following steps to add a new location. Please note: this will increase your monthly bill for this product. 

  1.  At the top of the Locations overview page, you can click Add Location to open the input form.
  2. Enter the location’s complete data, including Basic Data, Rich Data, and Photos & Videos. Any field with an asterisk is a required field. Taking the time to do so ensures your listings throughout the ecosystem, are as informative and persuasive as possible to consumers. If you would like additional information on what the different fields are for and tips on filling them out, please see the Location Profile Initial Setup article
  3. Once you’ve completed filling out the form, click the Save Changes button.
  4. When you save your data, a pop-up window appears where you confirm the location by clicking on Buy now. Note: Every newly created location will be invoiced according to your contract terms and conditions.
  5. With the new location created, you’ll be taken to the listing back to the Basic Data page. You should now see the Profile Completeness widget on the right. Take some time to review the information you provided to make sure it is accurate and as thorough as possible.
  6. If you are satisfied, start the synchronization with the directories by clicking Sync Now.
  7. To ensure the location data can be transmitted to the directories at any time, activate the auto-sync feature. We recommend this option so that changes are sent to directories and your information is always up to date.
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