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Create and Connect a New Facebook Page

This guide walks you through the process of creating a new Facebook page for your clinic and connecting it to WebPT Local.

Note: This guide is a continuation of the steps described in the article, Connecting Facebook - Start Here.

1. Click Start.

2. Log in to the relevant Facebook account using your email address and password.

Note: If you have no Facebook account you need to create one to be able to create a Facebook Page.

3. Next, grant Local Listing Connector access to the public profile by clicking Continue as. 

4. Click OK, to confirm that you allow WebPT Local to post publicly to your clinic’s Facebook page.

5. Now click Create a new Facebook location. This starts the process of creating a new official Facebook page. You will automatically be an administrator of the page.

Note: The creation of a new Facebook page requires either a landscape or main photo and also a squared logo or standard logo photo. If these are not already present on the location you wish to connect, you will be presented with a page asking you to upload these and retry the creation process once complete.

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