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Digest Emails

The WebPT Local digest email provides periodic updates on metrics such as profile completeness, reviews, and performance trends.

You can manage delivery frequency or deactivate the digest emails on the User Rights tab.

What Can I Expect to See in the Digest Email?

Profile Completeness

You’ll get an update on how complete your basic profile information is (i.e. Address, phone number, etc.).

If you're missing key information, this digest will point it out and provide a link to get it updated.

Listings Status

Keep count of which directories have your complete information, how many are being updated, and which ones need action to ensure accuracy.

Google and Facebook Trends

You can see if your clicks and impressions have positively increased or negatively decreased for Facebook and Google. The time period reflects how often you receive the digest (weekly, monthly, quarterly).

Suggestions to Enhance the Visibility of Your Clinic

The digest ensures you stay on top of the actions that improve your local search ranking; such as having up to date information in directory listings and responding to reviews

Listed Directories

You’ll get a chance to review all of the directories where your clinic is listed.

Average Rating and Recent Reviews

Reviews are a critical metric of how well your clinic ranks locally. The digest ensures you are aware of your average rating and provides a few samples of the latest reviews.

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