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Google Q&A Posts

When a business profile is pulled up on Google search, users are shown any provided questions and answers about the business. Patrons and business owners alike can ask questions and provide answers containing important details.

We encourage WebPT Local users to submit their own Q&As, as it allows you an opportunity to take control of the conversation.

You can push out key Q&As to Google, helping eliminate confusion around things such as store hours, special services, and how to get there. Getting ahead of these also avoids people having to call in or having random people answer your potential patient's questions.

Creating Your Q&A

  1. For Type of post, you must select Questions & Answers.
  2. Select the location that the Q&A applies to.
  3. For Post on, Google search will be selected by default. Note: Q&A posts are only available for Google.
  4. Then type out the question and answer.
  5. When your ready to publish, click Post.
  6. WebPT Local will then publish this Q&A to your Google My Business account for the public to see.
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