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Deactivate or Delete Location Listing

You can deactivate one or all locations. You can also choose to delete the listing from all directories completely – if, for example, a location closes down.

Note: Skip to step 3 if you only manage a single clinic location.

1. Go to Locations from the left side menu.

2. From the Locations overview, select the location you want to deactivate or delete. 

3. Navigate to the Profile tab of the clinic.

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the location profile. Here you can choose between Deactivate location and Delete location from Directories and Platforms.

Deactivating A Location

Deactivating a location essentially means that you are no longer managing the listing through the Local platform.

1. Click Deactivate Location.

2. Click the Deactivate Location button to open up the deactivate options.

3. Finally, select Deactivate Now. WebPT Local does not currently follow an annual contract cycle, even though it’s referenced in the application.

Delete location from directories and platforms

Deleting a location from directories means the location listing will be removed from directories or marked as permanently closed.

1. Click Delete location from directories and platforms.

2. A message appears providing you details on what to expect when you delete the location. Click Delete Location from Directories and Platforms to continue.

3. Finally, click Confirm in the pop-up window whether the site should be deleted.

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