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Single Clinic VS. Multiple Clinic Navigation

The navigation features available to users depend on the User Rights the Location or Account Manager has, as well as whether they manage a single clinic or multiple clinics. WebPT Local can look completely different from one user to the next depending on the user's permissions. This is especially true for users who manage a single location compared to users who manage multiple clinics. Let’s dive in. 

Single Clinic Navigation

Location or Account Managers with a single clinic location will navigate WebPT Local using the tabbed menu at the top of the screen (shown below).

The available menu options for single clinics are:

Multiple Clinic Navigation

Location Managers and Account Managers of multiple clinic locations will have an additional option for navigating WebPT Local – the left-side navigation menu.

This menu provides an account-level view of WebPT Local, making it easier to manage the web presence for multiple clinic locations. 

The possible menu options are:

Multi-Clinic Management Tools

Locations Menu
This opens a menu that allows you to view all the clinic locations assigned to you. Selecting a Location opens its individual clinic view, where you can update information or view metrics specific to that clinic.

For more information on Locations, please see the Locations Overview Page.

Customer Feedback
With the Multi-clinic Customer Feedback menu, you can view and respond to feedback for all the clinic’s you manage in one place.

For more information on Customer Feedback, please see the Customer Feedback article.

With the Multi-Location Publish feature, you can create a post that you can push out to multiple clinics with a single button.

For more information on the Publish feature, please see the Publish article.
Clicking here takes you to the User Rights menu.
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