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Profile Suggestions

Profile Suggestions provides an overview of photos, videos, or information you can use to make your local business listings more complete.

What are these Suggestions?

WebPT Local will search for missing items on your profile and populate the information that can be used to fill in those missing fields. It can pull long and short descriptions, store hours, and email addresses from your website and related pages.

Note: Skip to step 3 if you only manage a single clinic location.

  1. Select Locations from the left-side menu.
  2. Click on the location name for which you want to see suggestions.
  3. Navigate to the clinic Profile tab.
  4. From the Profile, click the Suggestions tab
  5. Within Suggestions, WebPT Local searches for your clinic’s information online, pulling in the photos, logo’s, and text you can use as short or long descriptions.
  6. You can choose which suggestions you’d like to include from the Profile Suggestions page.
  7. Once you are ready to add your selection(s) to the location profile, click the Confirm button on the right. WebPT Local will then start populating the directories with the profile suggestions you’ve selected.
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