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Google My Business FAQs

Why is Google My Business Important?

Google My Business is a service used to manage the online presence of your business across Google services such as Google Search and Google Maps.

By connecting to your Google account (this also includes Gmail) from the Dashboard or Listings pages, and completing a few steps, you can ensure that patients can find accurate and up-to-date information across Google channels when searching for your business, or product and services you offer.

Part of the connection process is to verify your online profile, ensuring that only authorized parties are able to claim your business account. Verified businesses on Google are twice as likely to be considered reputable by users and can facilitate direct interaction with them, so do not skip this step if your locations have unverified pages!

You don't have a Google account? This isn't a problem - you can choose to create one at the beginning of the connection process.

The insights graphs for impressions and clicks of Google are empty on the dashboard. Why?

Our system is allowed to retrieve this data only after the user has connected their Google account. (The user needs Owner or Administrator rights on the Google listing in order to connect it.)

By connecting through "Listing connector" the user authorizes Local to retrieve the insights data directly from Google My Business (GMB).

What are the minimum requirements to connect a Google My Business (GMB) listing to WebPT Local?

In order to be able to connect a GMB listing, the user must be the owner or administrator of the listing the listing must be verified. If this is not the case, the user is able to request access/verify location when going through the account connect process. For more information see document Connecting Google My Business.

What is the difference between a claimed and a verified listing?

The listing on the left has information such as a phone number and opening hours. This data is sourced automatically by Google and may not be accurate!

It can only be updated by claiming and verifying the location or through user suggestions.

Claiming the location means that the location will be added to your GMB account. However, to be able to update the listing you must verify the location. Google will send a verification code to the business upon request.

Why is the existing verified listing that is the connected account not found?

The algorithm used to find the listing takes into consideration the location’s information when attempting to create a match. The information on the location profile in WebPT Local must match the GMB listing information.

Tip: Make sure the pin placement is matching. This is an important data point taken into consideration. It is possible that the profile information matches, but if the pin placement is too far away, the software may consider it a different location.

When connecting to Google, will the information be overwritten?

 Yes. When connecting Google we will overwrite all of the data fields that are available in WebPT Local. Any field that is not available in WebPT Local, but is available in GMB, will not be overwritten.

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