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Connecting to Google My Business - Start Here

Google My Business is a service that helps you manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps.

For WebPT Local to keep your location data updated, a Google My Business (GMB) profile needs to be created, verified, and connected to the platform. The steps required to connect to your GMD depend on the status of your profile. We have compiled step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process.

Accessing the GMB Connection Menu

Follow the steps below to locate the GMB connection menu, then choose the subsequent guide based on the current state of your location’s GMB profile.

Note: Skip to step 3 if you only manage a single clinic location.

1. Click on the Locations tab.

2. Click on the location that you want to connect to GMB.

3. Navigate to the Directories tab of the clinic.

4. Look for the Google Connect button under Pending Actions, then click Connect.

Complete the GMB Profile Connection

The guides below provide the remaining steps to complete the connection process. Choose one based on the status of your GMB profile.

Creating and Verifying a New Google My Business Account

Click here if your clinic does not already have a GMB profile.

This guide walks you through creating a GMB profile, followed by verifying ownership, then connecting the verified GMB account to WebPT Local.

Connecting and Verifying an Existing Google My Business Profile Managed by You

Click here if your clinic has an unverified GMB account that you manage.

This process walks you through connecting the GMB profile and verifying the location through Google.

Connecting a Verified Google My Business Profile Managed by You

Click here if your clinic has a verified GMB profile that you manage.

This guide will walk you through connecting the verified GMB profile to WebPT Local.

Connecting a Verified Google My Business Account Managed by Someone Else

Click here if your clinic has a verified GMB profile managed by someone else.

This guide walks you through requesting permission for WebPT Local to connect to the GMB account where you are accepting Manager rights.

Connecting a Verified Google My Business Profile Managed by Franchisee, Regional Manager, or another Third Party

Click here if your clinic has a verified GMB account, which is exclusively managed by a franchisee, a regional manager, or another third party

This guide will walk you through requesting permission for WebPT Local to connect to the GMB account.

Google My Business Help

If you have questions about your clinic’s GMB profile, please visit the GMB knowledge base.

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