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Connecting a Verified Google My Business Profile Managed by You

This guide will help you connect WebPT Local to a verified Google My Business (GMB) profile managed by you. You’ll first sign into your clinic’s Google account. Then, you’ll connect WebPT Local to your GMB account.

Note: This guide is a continuation of the steps described in the article, Start Here - Connecting to Google My Business.

1. Click start.

2. Log in to your clinic’s Google account using your email address and password, then click Next.

3. Grant the Local Listing Connector access to your Google profile by clicking Allow.

If you have previously allowed access, this step will be skipped.

4. Finalize the connection with WebPT Local and your GMB account.

  • For single location practices: Establish the connection to a single location by selecting Connect only one location.
  • For multi-location practices: To connect all locations associated with the GMB account by, clicking Connect all Locations.

Note: Only verified business accounts are able to connect all locations automatically by selecting Connect all locations.

5. Your Google My Business account should now appear within the location Directories.

WebPT Local will begin optimizing the GMB account profile.

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