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Checklist for making the most of your WebPT Local account

Using an online presence and listing management tool like WebPT Local puts you immediately ahead of your competition, but are you using the solution to its fullest potential?

Make sure you are doing these 10 things to leverage your advantage.

1. Make sure all of your profile data is complete

You probably are aware you should make sure your business name, address, phone number, and category are complete and accurate. But don’t miss your chance to include other important details such as website, email, opening hours, keywords, descriptions, logos, photos.

If your customers have posted questions to your Google listing, answer them! A complete profile will make your business look more professional and help your customers choose and connect with your business.

Check out the article Profile Initial Setup, for a step-by-step guide.

2. Connect and verify Google My Business

Google My Business (GMB) is the key to hooking your business up with top search results. But this only works if you connect a verified location page. Make this your first order of business or you will be tying your own hands!

Check out the article Connecting Google My Business, for a step-by-step guide on connecting your GMB account to WebPT Local.

3. Establish and connect Facebook

Connect your Facebook to the platform in order to easily share and track custom posts, monitor engagement and reviews, and respond quickly to customer feedback.

Check out the article Connecting Facebook for a step-by-step guide on connecting your Facebook account to WebPT Local.

4. Improve your listings by sharing content, events, and multimedia

Did you know you can add images, videos, postings, events, Q&As, and bookings directly to your Google My Business page,  and that information will help your business rank higher in search results?

Take advantage of these opportunities to connect directly with your customers and improve your local search ranking!

Check out the article Publish Overview, to learn more about publishing content across directories.

5. Don’t ignore your bad reviews

84% of people trust online reviews as much as they trust a recommendation from a friend. An Invesp study also says customers are likely to spend 31% more money at a business with “excellent” reviews. Potential customers are watching you... yet 63% of them say that a business has never responded to their review!

This is an amazing opportunity for you to step in and make even poor reviews work for you—making amends and showing potential patients how responsive your business is. WebPT Local's review notifications help you stay on top of reviews (good and bad!) as soon as they are posted, and even lets you know if a customer replies to your responses.

1 in 3 consumers who receive a response to their online complaint repost a positive review and 34% delete their negative review altogether.

Check out the article Customer Feedback Overview, to learn how to use WebPT Local to respond to reviews.

6. Encourage and respond to your good reviews

Half of the adults routinely check for positive online reviews before buying.

The good news is, if asked, 71% of customers also say they will happily leave a review for a business. That means it is important to encourage happy customers to share their opinions, a process we’ve automated within the WebPT Reach platform. Responding, at least occasionally, to positive reviews is also critical, to show your appreciation and that you care.

Check out the article Customer Feedback Overview, to learn how to use WebPT Local to respond to reviews.

7. Share seasonal content, events, and promotions on social media

Don’t just set up your listings and forget them. Listings and company profiles—especially when easily controlled from a central platform—can be a powerful way to add personality to your online presence and keep current with what consumers are already thinking.

Be sure to customize posts for holidays, seasons, upcoming events, seasonal opening hours, and local promotions. WebPT Local now offers a template library to help you post more quickly and easily!

Check out the article Publish Overview, to learn more creating templates for seasonal events.

8. Customize Google My Business pages to your neighborhood with Google Attributes

Just because the web is worldwide doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tailor your listings to your local customers. At least a third of local businesses are not even trying to win local business through Google! (That’s 87% of shoppers, by the way.)

Seize the opportunity to customize your listings with the keywords and info that matters most to your local customers. Click here to learn more about Google Attributes.

9. Optimize for voice and mobile search

87% of shoppers begin their product searches online, and many of them are using smartphones while they are already on the road, asking Siri, Cortana or other mobile voice assistants for help finding you.

Make sure you’re choosing natural, conversational language and using Google Attributes and keywords in listings so that you pop to the top of mobile and voice search results.

Check out the article Profile Initial Setup, for a step-by-step guide on setting up keywords and attributes.

10. Track customer sentiment and your own performance

As hard as bad reviews are to hear, they are also a gift. They can tell you a lot about where to improve your business or services.

Use your WebPT Local platform to track your customer service and highlight new opportunities for growth, especially our Reviews Analysis feature, which highlights the 100 most mentioned words in your reviews!

Check out the Dashboard Overview, to learn more about WebPT Local’s Reviews Analysis tool.

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